If you have ever considered having breast augmentation surgery this could be a good time to revisit the idea. Even though warm weather is nearly here you can still have your procedure with recovery time to spare to enjoy your improved body image this summer. Fortunately we are living in a time where breast augmentation patients have greater freedom of choice. I am referring to the fact that they can now choose a silicone or saline breast implant option. It’s been about six years since the FDA approved silicone implants for all breast augmentation patients, not just women requiring breast reconstruction. And this lifting of its ban has significantly affected women’s decisions. Last year, according to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 72 percent of the breast augmentation surgeries performed in the U.S. were done using silicone implants. I think you would agree that is quite an impressive number, more so given the fact that in the year the ban was lifted only 19 percent of augmentations were silicone. Its’ increased acceptance owes to the more natural look and feel of silicone implants. However, these implants may not be the ideal choice for every patient. It is vital that you consult with an experience surgeon who can guide you through the decision, laying out the pros and cons of both types to help you make the best personal choice. At the Robert Zubowski MD Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center in Paramus, New Jersey, you are our highest priority. And if fitting into your new swimsuit or tank top more confidently is what you desire, we will, together, develop a plan to accomplish just that. For more information about breast augmentation surgery or other aesthetic cosmetic procedures please contact our office manager, who can schedule your first consultation.
“The facilities at the Robert Zubowski Center for Plastic Surgery are absolutely beautiful. It was very reassuring and impressive to see such a beautiful place. Everyone was so comforting, reassuring, and kind.”
– Lauren
Patient for 6 months