New Jersey Cosmetic Surgery Facility
We are conveniently located at One Sears Drive in Paramus, NJ, which is approximately 30 minutes from the Newark Airport and in close proximity to several hotels.
Click here for directions to The Center.
Monday through Friday 9am-6pm
All patients are seen by appointment only. If we experience an unanticipated emergency that may cause delay in your appointment, we will be sure to let you know ahead of your scheduled time. If you must reschedule an appointment, please notify us as far in advance as possible.

To ensure the utmost care and treatment, Dr. Zubowski has established The Robert Zubowski, M.D. Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Also known as The Center, it is a beautiful and immaculately maintained 5,600-square-foot facility that includes a state-of-the-art cosmetic surgery suite. Both facilities employ the latest infection control practices including Electrostatic Spray and Ultraviolet Light Disinfection/Sanitization, exceeding CDC recommendations for infection prevention.
Our ambulatory surgery center is Licensed by the New Jersey Department of Health and has obtained the highest level of certification from the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Our registered nurses are certified in both Basic and Advanced Cardiac Life Support while all of our anesthesiologists are board-certified professionals. We have dedicated nurses who stay with our patients in the recovery room throughout the entirety of their stay, so that every patient receives undivided attention and care.
Our large, comfortable waiting area provides a pleasant environment for patients, family, and friends. Exam rooms and other clinic areas are decorated so that you feel comfortable and welcome.
During your consultation, you’ll find all of the information you need to make an informed decision about the procedures you’d like to pursue. You can watch videos of any procedures you’re considering, take home informational brochures, view Before & After photos of other patients’ results, and even talk to our staff members about their cosmetic surgery experiences. You’ll also be able to preview how you’ll look after treatment with our state-of-the-art Computer Imaging System.
Jandee Anesthesiology, an all-board certified physician group who specialize in plastic, reconstructive and ambulatory surgery provide anesthesia services for The Center. These physicians employ the most modern techniques for anesthesia and pain relief including: general, regional, conscious and deep sedation, with an emphasis on safety and reduction of side effects.