Here in New Jersey at the Robert Zubowski, MD Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery in Paramus we’ve noticed a growing trend. Maybe it’s prompted by your children’s back to school preparations, but in mothers of all ages, September seems to trigger an expression for self-improvement like enrolling in local college courses, joining a health club, or looking into physical improvement through aesthetic rejuvenation treatments. Many of us have decided it’s high time to do more than talk about what we would like to change about our face and/or body.
What people find beautiful about themselves, according to the American Society or Plastic Surgeons and the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, changes with age. Their recent survey indicates that in their 20s, 30s, and 40s, people seek a fit, well proportioned body, while those in their 50s and 60s really want youthful skin. When considering which part of their body concerned them most, survey takers in their 30s named their abdomen/hips. And the most popular choice of 20-somethings, surprisingly, as well as those in their 40s, 50s and 60s, was the face.
At Paramus NJ’s Robert Zubowski, MD Center for Plastic and Reconstructive surgery, we offer patients numerous aesthetic options, ranging from non-invasive treatments such as Botox®, injectable fillers, and skin treatments, to more aggressive surgery procedures.
An easy way to begin your transformation is by calling the Robert Zubowski MD Center for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery to learn when our next complimentary aesthetic seminar will take place. Our informal breakfast meetings will provide you with an opportunity to meet us, visit our center, and learn more about the protocols we have set in place to assure safe, effective aesthetic results. Since party season is only a few months away there’s no time like now to get started.
Dr. Robert Zubowski is a renowned plastic surgeon who has been addressing the cosmetic and reconstructive needs of women, men and children for more than 20 years. He completed his general surgery residency at New York Medical College and an additional residency at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic Foundation, He has served as an associate professor of Plastic Surgery at New York Medical College and as the plastic surgery specialty director of the Cleveland Clinic Foundation Alumni Association, where he is also an adjunct staff member. He is a former associate director of plastic surgery at Ridgewood’s The Valley Hospital and holds a Certificate of Advanced Education in Cosmetic Surgery from the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Zubowski is also co-founder of the New Jersey chapter of Image Reborn, a non-profit support group for breast reconstruction patients and he works pro bono for Interplast, traveling to Third World countries to perform reconstructive surgeries for children born with birth defects.
Dr. Zubowski is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the American Society for Plastic Surgery, the American Medical Association, and a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. He has appeared as an expert on numerous news and talk shows including The View and Fox News, and was recently featured in a segment of The Real Housewives of New Jersey. He was also was voted Bergen County’s number one plastic surgeon by the Bergen Record.